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Further emergengy assistance

Here you can find more emergency centres in Tuttlingen, Villingen-Schwenningen and Rottweil that offer immediate help in crisis situations.

  • Tuttlingen | Distance from Neuhausen ob Eck: approx. 10 km | 5 councelling centres

    Victims of crime/violence

    • The Weiße Ring e.V. in Tuttlingen is the contact for victim assistance and crime prevention. The trained - voluntary - staff offer competent and targeted human help. Counselling and help are free of charge and, if desired, anonymous.


    Sexual assault/harassment 

    • With its work in Tuttlingen and the surrounding area, PHÖNIX e.V. primarily wants to help and advise children and young people who have experienced sexual assault. In addition, they offer counselling for women and men who were abused themselves in their childhood.


    Help explicitly for young people

    • The Jugend Tuttlingen sees itself as a socio-spatial and lifeworld-oriented child and youth counselling centre.


    Help explicitly for women

    • The Tuttlingen Women's Shelter is a crisis intervention centre for women, with or without children, who are experiencing or are threatened by physical, psychological or sexual violence in their partnership, marriage or family.


    General psychological help

    • The Psychological Counselling Centre is an institution of the Protestant and Catholic Churches that specialises, among other things, in counselling for young people, marriage and couple counselling and life counselling. Its services are open to all those seeking advice, regardless of gender, age, nationality and religious affiliation.



  • Villingen-Schwellingen | Distance from Neuausen ob Eck: approx. 46 km | 5 councelling centres

    Victims of violence/crime 

    • The Weiße Ring e.V. in Villingen-Schwenningen is the contact for victim assistance and crime prevention. The trained - voluntary - staff offer competent and targeted human help. Counselling and help are free of charge and, if desired, anonymous.


    Sexual assault/harassment 

    • Grauzone e.V. in the neighbouring district of Donaueschingen is particularly concerned to reflect on the current situation together in a holistic way during personal counselling. It is not important how long ago the experience of violence took place. New ways of coping can be found together in the counselling process. 


    Help explicitly for young people

    • The AfJ e.V. Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Bremen is a free, non-profit organisation. For over fourty years, they have been committed to children, adolescents and young adults - with offers in outpatient and inpatient educational assistance, youth support and in the form of innovative projects.


    Help explicitly for women

    • Frauen helfen Frauen Schwarzwald-Baar e.V. provides support and counselling to women and girls who are exposed to physical and/or psychological violence or who find themselves in difficult life situations. In addition to counselling, the association offers a 24-hour emergency telephone. (Tel.: 07721-54400)


    General psychological help 

    • The psychological counselling centre for marriage, family and life issues in Villingen helps with personal questions and difficulties or when one is in a stressful life situation. They offer a protected space to describe the individual situation and thereby accept the problems of those seeking help in an unbiased, understanding and appreciative way.
    • The Villingen-Schwenningen counselling centre helps people who are confronted with psychological problems or health challenges and can no longer cope with them alone. They work with different methods adapted to the needs of their clients in order to ensure the most effective counselling process possible for those seeking advice.


  • Rottweil | Distance from Neuhausen ob Eck: approx. 48 km | 3 councelling centres

    Victims of violence/crime

    • The Weißer Ring e.V. in Rottweil is the contact for victim assistance and crime prevention. The trained - voluntary - staff offer competent and targeted human help. Counselling and help are free of charge and, if desired, anonymous.


    Sexual assault/harassment 


    General psychological help

    • Caritas in Rottweil is a contact point for children, young people, parents, couples and individuals in life crises. The team consists of socio-educational and psychological professionals with additional therapeutic qualifications. Together they look for ways to deal with and overcome difficulties.