General information
Arrival by car or motorcycle
take-off GewerbePark
78579 Neuhausen ob EckPlease follow the signs and not your navigation system! We have already worked out the most optimal travel routes.
The areas for camping and parking are separate from each other. The parking spaces will be assigned to you on site by ushers and will not be guarded at night. The StvO applies throughout the festival grounds.
Parking fee: EUR 15.00. Fees on site may be higher.Motorcycles
Motorcyclists can use the trailer park areas free of charge.
Drop off & pick up
...takes place on Tuttlinger Straße in the direction of Neuhausen ob Eck. The parking lot is marked accordingly.
Arrival by train
The cheapest options for traveling by train are certainly the €58 ticket or the Lower Saxony ticket. The Deutsche Bahn app is a useful companion here. A free festival shuttle bus runs from Tuttlingen train station directly to the festival site.
Arrival with the HICLIVE bus
Leave your car at home this year and hop on the HICLIVE buses. Our official partner HICLIVE will be driving you directly to our festival from several cities this year! Secure your seats now and travel together. You can find more information HERE.