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What We Do

Team Spirit

Let's do our best to ensure that everybody feels like an equally important part of the festival and can enjoy their time here round the clock. Look out for one another! 


Solidarity is important in any situation. In an emergency, however, it counts all the more. We will keep you updated throughout the festival as needed (severe weather or similar) on our different festival communication channels (festival app, Facebook, Twitter, CampFM, video walls or the festival websites).

To ensure that everybody feels safe at all times, we would ask you to please look out for one another and support each other in difficult situations.

Green rocks, single-use plastic doesn't

Single-use plastic products such as straws, cutlery and stirrers have been banned from sale since 2020 for good reason and have also been banned from our production chains for some time.

Do your bit and leave plastic confetti and cutlery at home! For all these products there are now great alternatives made out of environmentally friendly materials.

Reusable Systems

The returnable cup system has been helping to reduce waste for many years. You get your drinks in uniform-looking returnable cups that can simply be reused. In the backstage areas, we will increasingly switch to reusable containers from 2022.

All staff members and crews are entitled to one free reusable water bottle per person, which can be refilled at free water dispensers   throughout the festival grounds.

Viva Con Agua

Since 2008, Viva con Agua has had a presence at our festivals. Water scarcity is one of the greatest social problems of the 21st century. That is why Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e. V. is committed to WASH projects (WASH = water, sanitation, hygiene) worldwide. Goal: To enable people in developing countries to have access to clean drinking water, sanitation, hygiene facilities and training. 

Do you want to take responsibility both for the environment and social causes? Then simply donate your returnable cup to our partner Viva con Agua. Just look out for the Viva con Agua supporters and their blue cup bins or drop by the Viva con Agua information booth to learn more about the WASH projects!

Biotopes and nature reserves

Many of the areas around GewerbePark and the aerodrome are major biotopes and nature reserves. To protect the animals and plants that live there, we put up fences every year and take any violations very seriously! Anyone caught entering or littering these areas, will risk at least a yellow card, if not being evicted!

Be fair to nature and stay on the marked trails, keep your hands off the fences and please use the bags and rubbish pens provided for your litter.


"All for loos! Loos for all!" – Goldeimer's artfully designed dry toilets support global sanitation projects with your contribution. In addition to all the comforts a toilet has to offer, the loo camps also offer reading material, music and the legendary “Superflitzer” game, so you’ll never need to worry about being bored there.

The whole thing works almost without water and especially without chemicals. You can support the nonprofit organisation by purchasing a flat rate for the entire festival or by making a small contribution for single use.


Environmental Protection

Greener Living

Green-minded guests who prefer a bit of peace and cleanliness, can choose the Greener Living ticket for accommodation on the most beautiful campsite. The neighbours here attach great importance to:

Peace And Quiet
Loud voices are taboo here as are noisy souvenirs from the fan mile or booming music players. Cheerful conversation and music making should happen here at noise levels that are tolerable for the neighbours’ camp.

No Litter
In the Greener Living area the detritus of wealth should not litter the place, but should instead be thrown into the intended containers.

This is important in all spheres of life anyway, but should be emphasised once again: The festival should be as pleasant as possible for all who attend.

Any gross infringements of the prevailing philosophy will lead to visitors losing their access rights, and they will then be redirected to the normal campsite.

Naturally, the pre-erected tents by MEIN-ZELT-STEHT-SCHON are also available here.

Waste & Recycling

Give us your litter!

Mountains of litter and a trashed camp – we can do better than that! If you want to save yourself a trip to the recycling station, simply use our festival waste collection service. Every rubbish bag you drop off will contribute to a greener festival and can even help others. Follow us for more info! In addition, you will find over 50 rubbish pens spread around the campsite, where you can also dispose of your litter.


Rubbish is rubbish. Wrong! With the help of sorting processes in professional facilities, some valuable and recyclable materials can still be extracted from festival wastes and fed back into the cycle. To ensure this, we work according to a systematic waste concept and have a comprehensive waste separation infrastructure in place.

Together with you, we can remove litter from the site as clean, dry and well-separated wastes. Please drop off your rubbish at the designated recycling stations. The stations are marked on the site plan.


Tents are not trash! Since tents can be used more than once, we would ask you to please take your own tent home with you. You can drop off damaged tents directly at recycling stations or the rubbish pens, where they can be disposed of separately from household wastes.

Abandoned tents are a major obstacle for clean-up operations after the festival, and tent poles and tent cords in particular are extremely difficult to sort.

BagUp – your individual festival bag

BagUp is an upcycling project of our cooperation partner IN VIA Hamburg e. V.

In a Hamburg design and sewing studio, people turn our festival banners into high-quality and weatherproof bags as part of a social project – this means that our festival banners are not thrown away but become an individual accessory for real festival fans! All proceeds go to the social project of IN VIA Hamburg e. V.

Check out the online shop for more information and a sneak peak at the awesome products!

Emissions & Environmental Expenditure

Climate protection with atmosfair

Since early 2018, we have offered our touring bands the option of reducing the carbon footprint of their tour vehicles by atmosfair offset projects. In 2019, we took it a step further and now offset all our team’s flights via atmosfair.

Your donations will go to projects such as: "Rwanda: Efficient Stoves".


Food Concept

Since 2015, we have focused increasingly on regional and organic providers. In addition, we attach great importance to offering more vegan and vegetarian choices, as well as cooperating with suppliers from the region.

To waste less food you can bring non-perishable and unopened items to the food sharing information booth. Then your food can be donated to the food bank or to other festival-goers.


Food sharing / food bank

"Food sharing – to good to waste!". Food you no longer want to take home with you and that has not yet been opened or is non-perishable can be dropped off or traded at the food sharing information booth.

Additionally, you can drop off non-perishable and unopened food items as a donation for the local food bank at any recycling station, at the food sharing tent, or on the day of departure.